Dental Implants Near You
Dental implantation is an extremely reliable means of repairing your smile’s function. It boasts a success rate of 95%, meaning that patients won’t have to worry about returning for additional treatments. So long as you make time to prioritize your dental hygiene, your dental implants can last a lifetime.
At Dental Care Centre, we are happy to offer restorative dentistry. If you are interested in this type of care, please call us so we can connect you with one of our dentists in Grande Prairie.

The Ins and Outs of Dental Implants
Most dental implants are composed of biocompatible titanium and porcelain. The former is used to create the screw and connecting piece (abutment). These components are installed via surgery and fuse with your jaw over several months, establishing a solid basis for your smile. The final piece of the implant is a dental crown. Because it’s made of porcelain, it easily blends in with your adjacent teeth.
Getting dental implants near you can remedy several issues with a patient’s smile, including:
- Missing teeth
- Improving your bite and speech
- Holding a dental bridge or dentures in place
- Preventing bone deterioration
Additionally, dental implants can significantly enhance the appearance of your smile; you can feel proud to show it off once your treatment journey has ended. To learn more about this, contact your dentist in Grande Prairie.
Getting Dental Implants
An average of two appointments are needed to get dental implants in Grande Prairie. The first involves preparation, while the final touches are done during the subsequent session. These steps are outlined below:
- Your dentist will physically evaluate your smile, take x-rays, and discuss your health requirements and goals. It allows them to determine if you’re a good candidate for the surgery.
- Impressions are taken of your mouth to make sure the crown fits you.
- Anesthesia is provided to numb the procedure site thoroughly. You will be able to relax since you won’t feel any pain.
- Next, the screw and abutment are embedded into your jawbone using a dental drill. Once this is done, you will be given a few months for your mouth to heal so the bone and implant can join.
- During your follow-up visit, your dentist will apply the crown over the exposed implant to keep it safe and your smile strong. They will ensure that everything is right before letting you go.
If you have questions during the procedure, let your dental team know.
After your oral cavity has recovered, you can get on with your normal routine and treat your implants as you would the rest of your smile. If you experience any issues or require urgent dental care, stop by a clinic immediately.
Want to Repair Your Smile?
Obtaining dental implants near you is one of the best options to explore if you want to kick-start your restorative dental journey. It is a standardized treatment that will leave you with lasting results. Book a consultation at our local practice today to find out if you’re a good candidate for dental implants in Grande Prairie.